Tag Archives: photo communiqué

The Photo Communiqué Launch.


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Photo Communiqué has been both on my mind and the drawing board for several months from choosing a name to the desire to keep the interface simple and what kind of content to provide. Having ideas that I may need to sit on for a little but it is time to get this thing launched.

The concept for Photo Communiqué stems from the work I have been conducting and administrating via photography forums on Facebook. What I have witnessed in these groups that include approximately 25,000 members at this writing as well as other incredible focus groups, has led me to this overall communication, resource and inspiration destination for the group members and beyond.

I will be paying attention to trends, products, editing practices that people are talking about in real-time and not coming from just a marketing perspective. I will introduce you to photographers that love to share knowledge with aspiring colleagues.

There will be video resources, a Spotlight21 feature separate from full interviews, guest writers and naturally, a companion Facebook page. I call it the little chatty sister where new posts will be announced from this blogazine and other content as well.

I would appreciate your subscription to Photo Communiqué with the promise to provide a useful resource.

See you in the comments!

Lori Patrick

1940's Ciro-flex Heirloom

1940’s Ciro-flex Family Heirloom