Photo Communiqué Featured Artist with Kathleen Clemons
Beyond Fine Art / Her work makes you stare in wonder.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
_William Shakespeare
Before coming a photographer professionally I owned a flower shop for 16 years. Being surrounded by flowers daily I was in awe of the intricacies within the petals. They carry a life of beauty with every stage of opening to a specimen hard to forget. Color, texture and form. Kathleen Clemons / Master Photographer specializing in macro florals has created one impressive piece after another, thrilling the viewer. She has a place in the fine art community. I call her a flower whisperer. -Lori Patrick
Let’s start with your name and where you reside or work
My name is Kathleen Clemons and I live in a small town on the Coast of Maine.
Your line of work pertaining to the photographic community
I am primarily a Nature Photographer, my work is represented worldwide by Corbis and Getty Images. I have a degree in Education, and teach online classes at the Bryan Peterson School of Photography . I teach several location workshops each year as well. Combining my love of teaching with my passion for Photography brings me great joy.
What type of photography do you enjoy for personal fulfillment?
I love making all kinds of photos, from macro to landscapes to portraits of people, I am always happy to have a camera in my hand. I specialize in nature photos, and am known for my flower portraits.
©Kathleen Clemons
Any favorite equipment choices for your work?
I am a Canon shooter, and my favorite lenses for flower portraits and macro in general are my Lensbabies. I love selective focus photography, and my Lensbabies provide just the look I want for my flower images. Lensbaby recently called me the Georgia O’Keeffe of Lensbaby flower photography and I was truly honored!
What editing programs are your go to?
I edit in Photoshop, and also use software by Nik and MacPhun
Who do you follow as an inspiration or education source?
I love to see what my photographer friends are shooting and check their websites, blogs and Facebook pages often, and I find inspiration from artists of all kinds, not just photographers. I really like to try new techniques, and get very excited when I have come up with something new to try in camera, or in post-processing. I just started making textures for Macphun software, and am loving that process. Now that Lensbaby makes a lens for my phone, the LM-10, I am shooting more with my iPhone and am enjoying posting those photos on Instagram and seeing what other people are posting there as well. I always tell my students to ask themselves, “What would happen if…?” and to then go try it, and I try to follow my own advice and do the same as it keeps my work fresh and me growing as a photographer.
Where can we find you online to see more or follow you?
The Art of Photographing Flowers on CreativeLIVE
Natural Light Macro Photography on Craftsy
Twitter: @kathleenclemons
Instagram @kathleenclemons

Kathleen Clemons