Category Archives: photo communiqué

Create NYC 2022

This is NOT your Daddy’s PhotoPlus Expo

This conference was put on hold until 2023 while they work out more details 

THIS is what’s now, THIS is what’s next in image making.

It’s a trade-show conference you can wrap your head around and CREATE the vision your camera is looking for.

THIS is Create NYC, a 3 day creator festival at the Duggal Greenhouse in Brooklyn, NY. #CNYC22

photography tradeshow

We have all experienced a shift in the industry in the past few years, much was inevitable. All the while, what we know as professional studio photographers, journalists, image makers is still highly viable. PhotoPlus intelligently is expanding into what’s next, what’s now… It’s an exciting approach that is all inclusive with fresh faces and views that will shape the future of where the camera takes us next. It is a storytelling approach and journey that was always apparent, but now we get to level up! I even have a little hashtag on social media when referring to some of my own projects of the past. #itsthestoryilove. Do you?

In today’s world of photography, videography and imagery take on meaning in much more spaces than client or commercial studio work, journalism, editorials and beyond. We have seen an influx of content creators, influencers and the like. Most of the social media platforms have added this genre style of content creation and are paying for creatives to feed their platforms. What does that tell you? This conference will stand up to the need for educating, helping, supporting and sharing resources to make it all tick for creators in the world of image culture.

So then, if you are ready to shake it off and open your mind, look at some of these excerpts from the new vision of PhotoPlus… Create NYC. I hope to see you at the festival!
Get your updates here.

“The decision to reimagine PhotoPlus into Create NYC was in response to demand from a rapidly growing emerging creator community”

Create NYC Show Director / Joseph Kowalsky

Article Contributor / Lori Patrick

Lindsay Adler Portrait Bootcamp

Lindsay Adler has joined the BOOTCAMP series with CreativeLIVE. Bootcamps typically run in the span of a month with topic segments each day. In Lindsay’s bootcamp she is teaching the basics for anyone who wants to learn how to take better portraits.

See a preview and reviews for Portrait Photography Bootcamp.
Click on the schedule for more information.


Photo Communiqué sponsored a few questions from followers to ask Lindsay. Here they are.

Janet Bark: How often does she shoot for purely fun? (Or is most of what she shoots work related. As in: to get work, to be published, workshops etc). Also, and this is maybe a cliche question: but what inspires her on a regular basis?

I’ve been lucky enough to craft my career around creating images that fulfill me. When I shoot beauty to build my portfolio I certainly have a goal of attracting new clients and jobs, yet at the same time those shooting days can be some of my absolute favorites. I’ve directed my life and photography in such a way that I find most of my shooting days an absolute thrill and cannot wait for them to come! I probably do 1-3 personal shoots per month. Other than that, personally I like to shoot fine art nudes and dance to just create. Just me, my concept, and the subject!

Ryan Eda: I heard her say that she used to shoot weddings. What was it that made her move away from shooting weddings?

I enjoyed shooting wedding for several years. They were busy, fast-paced, chaotic and challenging. Although I enjoyed them, I wanted to shoot in situations with a little bit more control over the elements and creative vision, so I began to focus more on stylized portraiture. Both are extremely challenging and rewarding, just in different ways!

Jacqueline Hutchinson: Does she have another book coming out? (I’d love to know) and if you can go the book route, which of her Creative 52 challenges helped her develop her craft (or gave her the best learning moments)? if she was just starting out as a newbie again, what would be the first thing she did differently? her best advice to new, emerging artists? (I’ve got my ticket to see her live in Vaughn, Ontario in September so I’m pretty stoked about that)!

Looking forward to seeing you in Ontario! Be sure to come say hi. I don’t have another book in the works at the moment, but I’ll definitely be release a new ebook on photographing curvy women soon. Furthermore, I’m releasing a whole range range of videos at that summarize what I’ve been working on recently!

Thats a great question about which Creative 52 challenges helped me develop my craft or have a-ha moments.

Restrict Yourself to a $20 Budget: When I first started fashion photography I certainly didn’t have the budget for a high end shoot, but I wanted images that looked that way. By challenging myself to do so with a very small budget, I was able to push my creativity and also achieve striking images. The limitations actually made me be more resourceful and creative!

Break a Lighting Rule: I learned a lot of rules of lighting, whether in college classes, professional meetings, workshops and more. These rules, however, I held on to too tightly. Once I learned to let go, try something new and make mistakes, thats when I started developing more complex and striking lighting patterns.

My best advice to emerging artists it to take more risks of rejection. Put yourself out there more. Know that you’ll hear a lot of rejection, a lot of no’s… but that doesn’t mean you have failed. If you can be okay with the rejection, then you are settings yourself up for a lot more opportunities to hear ‘yes’. This is not just for emerging artists— this is something I need to do for myself as well to this day!


Speaking of books, here is Lindsay’s Library on Amazon 



Portrait by Jen Hillega


PhotoWalk Contest Announcement

We dressed to the nines and photographed each other at Highland Park in NYC.

This event was for studio photographers of every skill level to come out and have some fun among their peers. Relationships were formed and portraits were made under the circumstance of challenging light on a chilly evening in late October. The air was filled with creation and teaming. After a little introduction, these participants adapted to the purpose quickly of not only photographing, but being photographed and directed, they left with a greater understanding of how a client may feel and maybe a new tip or two. They took on the lighting as a challenge, we had 2 IceLights, 2 large reflectors, some brought speed lights and the awful street lamps. But this lesson wasn’t about lighting so much. It was all about capturing expression and directing poses. Lori was in awe of the scene unfolding and pulled out an iPod in the moment to capture some behind the scenes. See video in this article. Powered by Animoto.

For the first PhotoWalk (changing the term to portrait soireé for 2015) we reached out to some incredible sponsors to support prizes. 

We greatly appreciate the support of these fine companies.

Thank you from Lori and Photo Communiqué 


Grand Prize:
Choose one Sue Bryce Photographer class from her
Instructor Catalog with CreativeLive. Including 28 Days with Sue.

ThinkTank Photo

Best Overall Headshot Prize
THINK TANK PHOTO Retrospective 7 Camera Bag


Best Male Headshot Prize:
One year PRO Animoto subscription


Best Female Headshot Prize:
A beautiful Marilyn Box from Finao Albums with your images.

A big thanks to Westcott  Ice Lights for lighting our night.


Glamorous PhotoWalk on the Highline NYC from Lori Patrick on Vimeo.

Winning Entries posted on the FaceBook Photo Communiqué page.


winner Maryanne Teng Hogarth modeled by Jenny Levine



winner Benedict Cupid modeled by Natalia


Best Overall HEADSHOT

winner Doreen Miranda modeled by Benedict Cupid

Doreen overall hs


winner Whitney Collins modeled by Keila Rodriguez



winner Jay L.A. Bastian modeled by Ryan Eda


There are some special mentions in the video as well. It was extremely difficult to choose winners of each category. Each one had close contenders. Photo Communiqué and Lori Patrick wishes to thank every participant for coming out and enjoying an evening of portrait photography. Hope to see you at another event. 


Glamorous Photo Walk

A Photo Communiqué Event

along with the InBedWithSue forum group on FaceBook


Glamorous Photo Walk on the Highline NYC


Screenshot 2014-09-26 22.24.45

Photo Communiqué and InBedWithSue community. Let’s get ‘IBWS Guys & Dolled Up’
Dress to the nines … Wear your Sunday best …

YOU, photographer colleagues are the subject this time.

Because, you ought to be in pictures.

This is an incredible educational opportunity.

Come to the Highline at the 30th St entrance

after PDN PhotoPlus for a portrait walk!

Portrait Contest too. Dig that!

This is THE first I have heard of something like this. I am so very proud to host and meet you all. CreativeLIVE … InBedWithSue & Photo Communiqué are breaking the barriers in portrait photography education. Lori Patrick

Thanks for your support. See you on the Highline baby!

Our Sponsors: Thank you. Please Patronize or Adore them. 🙂


Sue Bryce:

ThinkTank Photo:


Finao Online



The Importance of Community … Forums, Groups & Hangouts

in support of studio education

What’s a photographer to do? That is the question. Not so far in the distant past, photographers relied on books and magazines to find answers to many questions while becoming or working as a professional. Along came the forum via the web and for a long time they provided a place to communicate with others to find answers. Still do. In the past couple years, a new horizon has come along with photo shares, critiques, solid advice and more on almost any aspect the field has to offer. Most commonly utilized now on Facebook as Groups, one can ask to join one, an administrator enters you and suddenly you’re in a sort of chatroom where no one can see what happens unless a member in the same group. The posts, photos and file shares are for members eyes only (not our clients, family or others) We are witnessing growth in both skill set and business pursuits. Groups run with good administration are seeing very good success with the members. A good administration will keep the groups focus on topic, screen for spammers trying to join, boot the bullies and help keep an interesting flow available.

I began Photo Communiqué as a result of such groups, feeling the desire to build a place to explore further for the working photographer as an extension to what they want and current topics being discussed in these groups as well as introduce artists as Spotlight21 posts. At the time of writing I have four ongoing groups that were developed in the past 2 years that I check in on daily. One is now at 17,300 members, a glamour portrait group focusing on Modern Women’s Portraiture that carries 13 mentors and is based on CreativeLIVE’s classes with educator/photographer Sue Bryce. We created another one for students that own her 28 Days with Sue class and follows along the lessons week by week. Two of my groups focus on Headshots only and Self Portraiture which is the basis of a book I am producing featuring it’s members.

The purpose of this posting is to share what some of our members think of being involved in the groups. I do not utilize Google at this time for hangouts due to time commitments, but understand there is much success over there too. You will see it is time well spent in the continued education effort for your studio business.

I asked this question in InBedWithSue

Please give me some research or testimonial time in this thread of what active community learning and support means to you. (with permission for this posting)

Erin 2014-08-08 00.58.10

tammyz 2014-08-08 00.56.02

Debbie 2014-08-08 00.56.41

tatiana 2014-08-08 00.55.36

Penelope 2014-08-08 00.57.02

Aurora 2014-08-08 01.21.07

Asking the same question in the 28 Days Study Group

Screenshot 2014-08-08 01.27.32

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Alex 2014-08-08 01.37.46

Thank you for contributing everyone.


New Book Reveals

100 Future Presidents

Future American President Pre Order

What would you do if you were president of the United States? That is the question celebrated photographer and author, Matthew Jordan Smith asked children from 100 families from all around the country. In his new book, Future American President: 50 States-100 Families-Infinite Dreams, Smith masterfully photographs the answers to this question, filling-up the pages with the powerful hopes and dreams of the youngest generation. Across all fifty states, within 100 families, Smith beautifully reveals the country’s potential as it lives and breathes within America’s youth.

This book will showcase extraordinary stand-out features; a forward written by Zendaya Coleman, the star of Disney’s “Shake It Up” and “Dancing with the Stars” sensation; an inspirational quote by President Jimmy Carter, offering “encouragement and advice for generations to come”. Educational elements will feature throughout, such as originating maps of American president’s home states, and a table of contents illustrating the path states took to unionizing.

Each one of these 100 presidents was found living somewhere in America’s many and varied backyards, only waiting to realize the American dream of fulfilling every last drop of their boundless potential. However, in truth, Smith has only photographed 99 future presidents, and has been saving the last space, the 100th, to offer every parent in America the opportunity to add their child to the book! For the entire month of June (see VIDEO for Special Offer), Smith will allow children to do more than just imagine themselves as President—they will get to see themselves as president on the cover of his new book! Also, to further the chances young people have of seeing their dreams come true, a portion of the book’s sales will be given to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America!



Matthew Jordan Smith is one of the most popular and renowned photographers in Hollywood. His successes span fashion, television and literature. He has worked with some of the top names within the entertainment business, and is also the author of two additional books: Sepia Dreams: A Celebration of Black Achievement Through Words and Images, and The Lost and Found.

Visit the author’s website at 

Visit the book project website at

“At first I wasn’t sure if it was possible to travel to every state in America, but I knew the most important thing was  to start, even if you can’t figure out how to finish. I started out on faith and a strong belief that anything is possible if you simply believe. The hard part wouldn’t be the traveling to every state in America — the hard part would be walking up to strangers and asking parents if I can photograph their children. However, that’s exactly what I did”. -Matthew Jordan Smith

pre-order your copy today


It doesn’t matter if you live in the United States or abroad, this book is an inspiration for children and families everywhere. In a world filled with video games and devices, children will find the joy of turning pages in Matthews book to let their imagination carry them into the white house as they see the 100 families photographs and the messages delivered.  

As photographers we can tell stories through our own special projects to help make our world a better place. What will be yours?  -Lp


See Matthew talk about the process of traveling to find and photograph these stories on an earlier CreativeLIVE broadcast.  

Launch Your Career Through Personal Projects

a portraits most important element … SKIN

SKIN 101

If you don’t get the skin correct in your portrait, let’s face it, you will have big problems editing and possibly will not have a sale with the image. Whether you are photographing / Beauty … Fashion … Seniors …  Headshots … Boudoir … you want to prepare the skin correctly, light it for particular clients individually to get it right, make sure color balance is right in camera and understand the importance of editing for skin.

Whatever skin type or ethnicity you need to understand, Lindsay will explain so you are prepared for any client from now on.

 Skin 101: Lighting, Retouching

and Understanding Skin



Skin 101

click image to go to course page

see Lindsays website

Lindsay Adler  taught us Fashion Flair …

Retouching Skills … Posing and more.

Her body of work is exquisite in her focus work, the fashion industry.

Take a look at Lindsay’s website to see why she is a CL favorite 

Click on her image to go there.

See You In Class!

Chat here in Communiqué

Jacqueline Kent / A Male Portrait in Spotlight21

See Jacqueline‘s Spotlight21 Story

©Jacqueline Kent

Jacqueline’s Website

A Journey to the Beginning : The price of experience.

I begin to write this first article as I fly to Las Vegas to work for CreativeLIVE as a producer assistant and gear handler. This is during the same time as the WPPI conference where seasoned and novice photographers alike, come together to learn from the experiences and methods of instructors who do not hold back in sharing their knowledge.

I find the world of the photographer a fascinating, exciting, adventurous and yet frustrating place to be in todays digital world.

Things have changed immensely since the not too distant film based business and practice. The professional photographer commanded higher respect in his or her specialized skill. They offered service and were compensated appropriately without question. The field was much less saturated; business owners kept trade secrets and ideas to themselves. Generally they were not involved in camera clubs or forums unless running one for enthusiasts, not their competition.

Fast forward to digital, around 2007 when pro level cameras started to merge film faithfuls to the sensor. This brought together the marriage of photography with the computer for editing purposes. Along with this new form of photography came the mistress, social media, who changed the business of studio and wedding photography forever. It catapulted the careers of many and continues to be a blessing overall, but there’s always a catch.

In walks the DSLR kit camera. Designed as a photo enthusiast or amateur body, folks took a handful of nice shots on automatic mode with it, posted on a social media platform and felt a great sense of accomplishment. Through the encouragement of friends and family impressed with the ‘fancy looking camera’, started a business page on Facebook prematurely. Suddenly, there was an exponential growth of newcomers in the profession. Many of these shutterbugs merely became Someones Name Photography without the proper training, equipment or experience via the Facebook pages system. On the Facebook platform you are welcome to start a page without documentation of actually being in business. i.e. Sales tax #, an invoice with company name, etc…

What has happened as a result? The implied value of the professional photographer has been compromised. In order to become known and grow their newfound passion, assuming small businesses with little marketing or applied business knowledge inevitably make a promotional poster to send out on local community Facebook news groups, sharing price structures pulled from other ‘new to business photographers’.  A two to four hour portrait session with unlimited wardrobe changes, artistic edits, hmmm…  digital files for the low price of $______   I have seen it for well under $100. time and time again.  Weddings are no different, just a little more.  

Who is suffering from this new photography market? The consumer and client for sure, in our bargain driven society they may believe that if someone puts the word photography with their name it surely must be a skilled artisan. The photographer does the session and uh oh, what went wrong? After all, the client took time to get themselves or family ready, told their friends and showed up in a field somewhere or in front of a horrifying backdrop. I wonder how that digital delivery went for them? 

These ‘professionals’, anxious to get started as soon as the plastic is removed from the kit DSLR, will soon find themselves working at Acme and having to give up the dream. They set themselves up for failure with the very first poster they uploaded on social media. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty who move on and realize they better learn some things first. The ones that don’t, and they are the majority, disappear as fast as they came, leaving their pricing model behind and ingrained in the consumer conscience.

What about the truly time-honored and practiced photographers? They do not worry about the aforementioned ruining the market. Consumers who utilize the bargain photographers are not the same as those that understand the value of skilled photography or seek a luxury brand. But it sure makes it harder when many so clients nowadays in this digital world believe they should have all of the downloads so they can run to Costco for inferior printing. This did not happen in the days of film. Can you imagine handing film over to a client for a price?

So here we are having to answer the question as gracefully as one can, why Sally or Billy only charges $______ for so much more … than your services offer me.  Yes, times have changed since film when you never saw an ad in the newspaper like we see on social media. I checked out on their page what high quality means to the posting party below. Was it my Mom who said, you get what you pay for? Identity hidden to protect the innocent.

seen on facebook

(a screenshot from Facebook)

As professionals, we must accept that this pattern is not going away. Every week there will be a newly excited shutterbug making a business page in your community.  Before I began writing this segment I checked and there were 3 within a couple of days in a (small community) forum group on Facebook with more than 17,000 members. 

Truly I wish the best for anyone picking up a camera and wanting instant gratification (in business). But there are proper steps one needs to take before a page on Facebook is created. These individuals won’t be looking at this blog any time soon though, so I am speaking to those colleagues who have the ability to take these fledglings under their wing and offer help.  Gone are the days of trade secrets; everything one could want is on the internet. As a facilitator of photography groups on Facebook I see some of the newbies (as they like to call themselves) learning at a quick pace  and understanding that nothing is more valuable than proper training. The ones that do make it will have gained skills more rapidly than any era before these times of community sharing. In my groups, as with many others, there are highly trained photographers willing to help raise the standards and skills of this new generation of photographers and elevate them beyond a coupon service. Below is another example and this is commonly how it all begins.

how much?

I love how everyone chimed in with “how much” while one person gave some advice. The comment blew me away. I (liked) it. I recently posted images in this same hometown community group with a call for clients. I told them “Beauty happens in my studio” and included a gorgeous photograph and… crickets. This person has people screaming ‘how much’ … before she even got started. The public is conditioned to hold out for the cheapest price to surface. Yes, I see folks often asking for referrals of dare I say, cheap photographers. I once responded to a list of 20 or more referrals, describing my rate and service begins at $1000.  Just for giggles. I knew they wanted that $50. session… I am obviously not their girl.

Anyway, I urge the working photographer to get the message out in these forums. Don’t be upset because someone joined a group as a newbie. Be ecstatic they did. Instead, help them to learn their gear, understand light and the importance of practice. Direct them to watch You Tube tutorials Udemy, CreativeLIVE or other sources. Advise the newbies to take a year and learn the skill while building a portfolio of good work before they make a business page. We all had a beginning, keep that in mind as you help mentor. 

Ironically this popped up in my Twitter feed right after publishing the article. It is related material and worth a listen. The rush to get started really needs to be a slower process is what I want to interject in this posting,. As Zack Arias explains through sharing his own perils when he started, you should shoot for free first actually as you learn and create a portfolio base instead of working for an unrealistic discount. Understand the process before putting out there unattainable service for very little consumer investment. Listen to the hour long podcast as you edit. Invaluable insight.

There are many talented emerging photographers I have met who are developing their voice. They are getting the necessary training and giving it all they got. Hope is not lost for the newbie–not by a long shot.

The images below by Carol Roberts are an example of how far one can come in a short period of time. She has been doing photography for only 18 months and working with today’s trend of textures and overlays. Carol has a great sense of imagination and style.

I wish to finish on this positive note as I am not writing this to be a sour sort. It is my intention to help our industry survive this challenge that unfortunately will be hard to change. In light of this, within my next Views on Social Media article here on Photo Communiqué, we will hear from some of the newbies and working professionals on what the forums are doing to help their businesses and practice. Stay tuned.



Carol Roberts of Precious Posh Photography

Click the above images for full lightbox view.

Rethinking Social Media Marketing

The glory days of your big sister’s social media for reaching potential clients to show and share what you have to offer is rapidly changing. 

I will speak of Facebook mostly because it is the #1 platform where photographers easily create and maintain a business page to connect with clients in the private sector for studio and wedding work. For those utilizing Twitter, the connection is easy to post on FB and populate a tweet of same post, both a time saver and efficient. Google+ may not be an option soon if the rumors are true. While many photographers started to semi migrate there and hang on the wire, setting up a platform … the clients were not following and the birds of the same feather were talking to each other and enjoying each others ability and work. Fun, but not the best use of time to create buzz for new business. The quirky set up kept clients in the FB nest while flying over to Instagram and Pinterest as a fun, refreshing adventure. 

In 2004 Facebook launched a college campus directory of sorts where through a few years attracted the youth culture and was a fresh diversion to MySpace. Gaining monumental popularity through time, by 2008 became a mecca of social online interaction for all ages 13 and over. Suddenly parents, eventually grandparents had a wall and a profile pic, enter the selfie … sorry, different conversation. 

Within the Facebook platform, the incredible gift of Pages was created, utilized and loved by businesses, both start up and well established. Photographers especially, had the ability for the first time to show, share and talk about what they do in a very direct way. The ones who did it right and got in early, flourished and prospered with a virtually free, powerful medium. Likes and shares were abundant during the romance period of FB culture. 

Enter 2012. Eight years later Facebook goes public. Time to embrace change in a love / hate relationship. Strange things start to begin on our pages, we are still struggling to understand the inner workings of these changes. Notably, the Promote Post button on each one. It is currently being scrutinized as to where the post goes once paid for. Facebook tells us that only a fraction of your fans will see it in their news feed. This only after we learned we must go back to our list to ask our fans to (follow) us,  didn’t they already via clicking like in the first place … Ick factor? Indeed. In real time during this writing, I popped over to FB and checked my own News Feed, both Top Stories and Most Recent scrolling about 50 or so posts on both. There are NO page posts from any of the ones I have liked or then followed. We have went from 100% discovery to possibly zilch. Therefore, new ways of reaching clients within the platform of FB are paramount to continued growth and success. I have always said you must spend the time creating your presence via a good portfolio on a custom URL, representing the work you want to attract from clients. In the future, this is more important than ever. Everything links to your site. Everything! If your portfolio is only built on a FB page you will surely meet a decline of discovery. It’s happening, it’s now, honeymoon … over. 

I do not profess to be an expert on the subject. Keeping up with it is a daunting task. However, I will be watching a very timely broadcast to further my own plans going forward. Lawrence Chan is a marketing expert for creatives. He does the research and work, we only need to listen and follow his advice. The folks at CreativeLIVE are bringing Lawrence in for a free, live streaming 2 day course. Do not miss it.

Click the image below for more details on all the included coverage topics.


On CreativeLIVE

The Photographer’s Guide to SEO and Online Marketing


        Lawrence describes what you will learn and can expect.

The current and future of business is digital. A big part of that consists of social media and search results.

Long gone are the days when you could create a free and viable word of mouth campaign with just social media. Organic sharing is becoming less predictable.

Facebook, for example, has dropped the exposure rate for brand pages from 100% to 1-10%. Google+ is rumored to shut down. Plus, there is a large problem with social media fragmentation – posting to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Flickr, LinkedIn, etc.

What do you do?

Additionally, social media and word of mouth marketing both rely on existing clients to sing your praise.

What if you have no existing clients?
What if you want to price out of your existing pool of referrals?
What if you simply want more traffic?
What if you relocate?
And even if you have the traffic, are you converting them?
This is where branding, content strategy, search engine optimization (SEO), and conversion come into play first. Next, you use word of mouth and social media to propel your efforts.

Whether you are a novice or a veteran, I welcome you to join me on CreativeLive where I will share various marketing strategies for free to endure changing digital climates.

at tofurious




   Lawrence Chan of

  Get to know him … he’s a photographer too!



See you in class!

Chat here in Communiqué